The Legal Verses (part 5)

Course Description: It is commonly said that about 500 of the Qur’an’s verses relate to practical matters. These are referred to as āyāt al-aḥkām or “legal verses.” The study of these verses is an important sub-genre of Qur’anic exegesis, and understanding them is key to knowing our duty before God. In this course, we shall make a systematic study of these verses, taking the help of generations of jurists and exegetes, to better understand what our Lord wants of us. In part 5 of this course we cover 14 verses on the following topics related to marriage:

90 – Laws of covering made lenient for elderly women

91 – Various forms of sexual enjoyment permitted with spouse

92 – Breastfeeding (1 and 2)

93 – Wages for Breastfeeding

94 – Marriage prohibited between fornicators and chaste believers

95- Proposing to a Woman during her ʿiddah

96 – Questions about women answered

97 – Exhortation to treat one’s wife kindly and with patience…

98 – Obligation for Muslim women to wear the jilbāb

99 – The Verse of Takhyīr (Wives Granted the Choice to be Divorced)

100 – Admonishment for the Wives of the Prophet

101 – Adopted Children are not One’s Children 

102 – Marriage to One’s Adopted Son’s Ex-wife is Permitted

103 – Exceptions to Marriage Laws for the Prophet

104 – Etiquette of entering the Prophet’s home

Course Structure:

  • This is a self-paced audit course with no live sessions.
  • Video links and detailed lecture notes will be shared after enrollment.

Course Fee:

  • $50

Deadline to Register:

  • Register by Sep. 5, 2024


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