Nahj al-Balāghah (Part 1)

Course Description:

“Below the words of the creator and above the words of his creatures” 

-Ibn Abī al-Ḥadīd al-Muʿtazilī

“The most noble and eloquent of words after the words of God and the words of his Prophet”

-Muḥammad ʿAbduh

In this course, through the newly published translation by Tahera Qutbuddin, we will make a complete study of al-Sharīf al-Raḍī’s Nahj al-Balāghah. It is the most acclaimed collection of the words of Imam ʿAlī, finally rendered into outstanding English. This study will, God-willing, take us four semesters to complete.

Course Structure:

  • Each week, students will read approximately 6 pages from the English translation.
  • The teacher will provide study questions to help focus your reading. 
  • Students must attend a weekly Zoom session where we will discuss the text and the study questions.


  • It is advised that students be at least 16 years old.
  • High-speed internet connection, mic, and headphones.
  • Students must keep webcams on for the duration of each live session.


  • Student should expect to invest 2 hours per week completing assignments.

Dates and Timings:

  • Dates: Week of Sep. 8 to Week of Dec. 15, 2024 (15 Weeks)
  • Weekly live session: Sundays 9-10pm EST (click here to convert this to your timezone).

Attendance Policy:

  • Please note that Islamic Literacy has a strict attendance policy as part of its effort to promote a positive learning experience. The minimum requirement for any class is that you show up! You are allowed only one unexcused absence. Further absences are grounds for expulsion from this course. Preplanned absences for work and travel must be approved by the Medical and family emergencies must be explained before or soon after to the

Course Fee: 

  • $200 US (you will submit this with registration)

Deadline to Register:

  • Register by Sep. 5, 2024


  • Nahj al-Balāghah: The Wisdom and Eloquence of ʿAlī edited and translated by Tahera Qutbuddin
  • The book is open access and can be downloaded for free from here.


Click the button above to enroll in this course.