Intermediate Arabic Reading & Tajwid

Course Description:

This course is geared toward students who have successfully completed Basic Arabic Reading (BAR) as well as others who know how to read Arabic at a basic level and need to improve their pronunciation and fluency. Emphasis will be on learning and practicing the rules of tajwīd (tajweed) while establishing correct pronunciation habits and building fluency.

Course Structure:

  • Each week, students will watch one prerecorded video by Shaykh Rizwan Arastu. 
  • Students will then attend one weekly live session with their instructor in which they will practice the material learned in the week’s video and receive one-on-one coaching. These sessions will be conducted virtually via Zoom.


  • Student must be at least 16 years old (exceptions may be made at the teacher’s discretion).
  • Students must have successfully completed Basic Arabic Reading (BAR) or be able to read the Qurʾān at a basic level (registrants will be tested by instructor).
  • High-speed internet connection, mic, camera, and headphones.


  • Student should expect to spend 20 minutes per day practicing and reviewing class material.

Dates and Timings:

  • Dates: Week of Jan. 19 to Week of Jun. 1, 2025 (15 Weeks)
  • Break: the month of Ramadan will be off
  • Weekly live session: Tuesdays 9-10pm EST

Attendance Policy:

  • Please note that Islamic Literacy has a strict attendance policy as part of its effort to promote a positive learning experience. The minimum requirement for any class is that you show up! You are allowed only one unexcused absence. Further absences are grounds for expulsion. Preplanned absences for work and travel must be approved by the Medical and family emergencies must be explained before or soon after to the

Course Fee: 

  • $200 (you will submit this with registration)

Deadline to Register:

  • Register by Jan. 15, 2025


  • Tajwīd: A Guide to Qur’anic Recitation 2nd edition by Shaykh Rizwan Arastu (ISBN 9780991254125)
  • A Copy of the Qurʾān (written by the calligrapher ʿUthmān Ṭāhā)


Click the button above to enroll in this course.