Young Muslims need good role models, especially for marriage. The statistics on divorce are frightening, and the culture around us corrupts those things most important for a successful marriage. In “A Young Muslim’s Guide to Marriage” we will talk to couples who are good role models for what marriage can, and should, be. Talking to them will give young Muslims hope by showing them concrete examples of how faithful people before them have done marriage well in circumstances similar to their own.
- The interviews will be conducted live via Zoom on Tuesdays 8-9pm EST, from the weeks of January 19 till June 1, 2025 (15 sessions). The month of Ramadan will be off. Cameras must remain on for the duration of the interview.
- Young men and women from age 16 to 30, married and single, should register to attend.
- These sessions are offered free of charge.
- Participants will be asked to join the YMG Telegram group. Please create a free Telegram account.