From Death to Eternity

Course Description:

This course will trace the journey of the soul from death into the grave on to resurrection, judgement, and into its eternal abode. It will take the book Manāzil al-Ākhirah by Shaykh ʿAbbās al-Qummī as its starting point and explore descriptions of the “stations of the afterlife” in the Qur’an and hadith literature while addressing theological questions as they arise.

Course Structure:

  • Students will attend a weekly 75-minute webinar.   


  • Student must be at least 16 years old.
  • High-speed internet connection, mic, headphones, and webcam.
  • Students must be proficient in using their computer and the internet.

Dates and Timings:

  • Course Dates: Jan. 25-June. 7 (15 Weeks)
  • Holidays: Apr. 19-May. 10 (Ramadan Break)
  • Weekly live session: Mon 9-10:15pm EST (click here to convert this to your timezone).

Attendance Policy:

  • Please note that Islamic Literacy has a strict attendance policy as part of its effort to promote a positive learning experience. The minimum requirement for any class is that you show up! You are allowed only one unexcused absence per course, per term. Further absences are grounds for expulsion. Preplanned absences for work and travel must be approved by the Medical and family emergencies must be explained before or soon after to the

Course Fee: 

  • $150

Deadline to Register:

  • Register by Jan. 24, 2021


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