Boys’ Health and Development

Course Description: This course will address many of the topics covered in health classes offered in public schools and help Muslim boys know what they need to about the body and its development in a way that honors Islamic values such as God-consciousness, marriage, love, and chastity. Topics will include the following:

  • marriage and love as integral parts of a good Islamic life
  • chastity and shame as virtues
  • anatomy and physiology of puberty
  • hygiene (cleanliness, grooming, and purity)
  • do’s and don’t’s of touching, looking, dressing, and interacting
  • choices that are not compatible with Islamic values (dating, masturbation, pornography, gender by choice, sexual orientation by choice)

Course Structure:

  • Classes are conducted over 12 weekly Zoom sessions.


  • Boys between the ages of 10 and 15 years old should enroll. (Exceptions may be made upon request and at the teacher’s discretion).
  • High-speed internet connection, mic, headphones, and webcam.
  • Students must keep webcams on for the duration of each live session.


  • Short assignments will be given from time to time. Student should expect to spend less than 10 minutes per week completing assignments.

Dates and Timings:

  • Course Dates: Week of Sep. 8 to Week of Nov. 24, 2024 (12 Weeks)
  • Weekly live sessions Sundays 8-9pm EST (click here to convert this to your timezone).

Attendance Policy:

  • Please note that Islamic Literacy has a strict attendance policy as part of its effort to promote a positive learning experience. The minimum requirement for any class is that you show up! You are allowed only one unexcused absence. Further absences are grounds for expulsion from this course. Preplanned absences for work and travel must be approved by the Medical and family emergencies must be explained before or soon after to the

Course Fee: 

  • $200 US
  • This fee is non-refundable after the deadline to register, Sept. 5.

Deadline to Register:

  • Register by Sept. 5, 2024


Click the button above to enroll in this course.